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AveoTSD Anti Snoring Aid

AveoTSD Anti Snoring Aid
Product Use : Anti-snoring aid for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
Classification : General Health Product
1 box of AveoTSD Anti Snoring Aid USD $190.60
Information - AveoTSD Anti Snoring Aid

Aveo-TSD is a clinically proven medical device for the treatment of sleep disordered breathing including snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The Aveo-TSD (Tongue stabilizing device ) anti-snoring aid was developed following several years of clinical research in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The Aveo-TSD is made from a soft medical silicone for comfort and works by holding the tongue forward by gentle suction preventing it from falling back against the back of the throat , keeping the airway open during sleep. Unlike oral dental devices, the Aveo-TSD does not attach to the teeth, and does not require specialist fitting by a dental professional. For maximum compliance the Aveo-TSD is best suited for use with consultation by a medical doctor or dental professional. The Aveo-TSD is a non-adjustable universal device that is the most cost effective and simple to use. The Aveo-TSD is approved by the F.D.A in the U.S.A as a medical device. Although Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) form sleep disordered breathing and are intrinsically linked, the majority of OSA sufferers remain undiagnosed. The Aveo-TSD has been found to be most effective for OSA in pilot and case studies. Formal clinical studies using Aveo-TSD are ongoing.


The Aveo-TSD is a medical device which requires correct fitting so it can be used in a comfortable way. Please read and follow the instructions carefully, as this will allow you ongoing effective usage.

1. First rinse the Aveo-TSD under hot water. Position the arrow pointing up with notch underneath which is clearance for the lingual frenulum, which anchors the tongue in the midline to the floor of the mouth. Be aware that the tongue in the midline is free moving and can readily change size shape and position and is a very thick solid mass of muscle.

2. Place tongue in the Aveo-TSD pushing it in up to the end. Using a mirror to view the shape and position. Spend time finding a position you would be most comfortable with.

3. After positioning, squeeze the suction bulb on each side with your thumb and forefinger, gently increasing suction. Use the mirror to view your tongue as you release the suction bulb.

4. The Aveo-TSD should now be holding the tongue with good suction. Now gently squeeze, the suction bulb with fingers on either side and experience the changes in negative pressure (suction) you can create. This is important as too much suction will cause discomfort. Not enough suction may allow the Aveo-TSD to fall off during the night.

5.  Hold the Aveo-TSD on your tongue initially for ten minutes or longer and then readjust positioning if needed for a more comfortable fit by either adding or reducing the suction.

6. Sensations or discomfort may be felt on the tongue, they will disappear with familiarity and practice with the device. With practice you will find your optimal positioning and suction pressure which is a very personal thing.

7. After this initial practice as in steps 1-6 above, place the Aveo-TSD device on your tongue using those skills prior to lights out and prepare for sleep.

8. After use rinse the Aveo-TSD thoroughly and store in the container provided.


Some people will be able to use comfortably within a few days. Most will take up to THREE to FIVE days to wear through the 7/8 hour sleep and up to SEVEN days or more for all sensations and slight discomfort to disappear.

Perseverence with the Aveo-TSD, will by this stage have snoring considerably reduced or stopped and similar for sleep awakenings, arousals and gasping for air. Increased energy through the day and a feeling of improved wellbeing, improved quality of sleep for you with reduced disturbances for your partner.

It is possible because of anatomical features and/or other health related problems, some people may have difficulty using this device. If you are unable to utilize , or symptoms still persist with the usage of the Aveo-TSD, please contact your primary health care doctor for further consultation


The Aveo-TSD comes with ONE tongue stabilizing device and container.

Frequently asked questions

What causes snoring?

Snoring is caused by a narrowed airway during sleep. This can be due to large tonsils , a long soft palate or uvula, or, in people who are overweight, excessive flabby tissue; with all those areas relaxing during sleep. Also nasal congestion from allergies or deformities of the cartilage between the two sides of the nose and other internal nasal structures, all contribute to a narrowing of the airway.

The most common cause of a narrowed airway is, however, a tongue muscle that relaxes too much during sleep and gets sucked back into the airway with each breath taken.

Snoring occurs because air travels faster through a narrow tube than through a broad one. This rapidly moving air causes the relaxed tissues of the throat ( the tonsils, soft palate and uvula ) to vibrate. It is this vibration which is the sound we know as snoring.

By keeping the airway open, air travels slower, reducing the vibrations in the throat - reducing or stopping SNORING .

One of the most effective ways to keep the airway open during sleep is by holding the tongue forward - keeping the airway open.

Is Snoring harmful?

New research suggests that loud snoring can cause hypertension and as a result increased blood pressure during sleep.

Snoring can progress into a medical condition known as Obstructive Sleep Abnoea ( OSA ) - the word 'apnoea' is Greek for 'without breath', where the tongue is completely sucked against the back of the throat and breathing stops. This airway obstruction causes the heart rate to fall below normal with decreases in blood oxygen levels. The obstruction will not clear until the brain oxygen level falls low enough to partially awaken the sleeper with a release of adrenaline to prevent suffocation . The airway obstruction is usually broken with gasps taking in oxygen O2 and expelling excess carbon dioxide CO2. Due to the adrenaline release the heart rate is now increased above normal. These events may happen hundreds of times a night, not allowing deep restorative sleep, and causing reduced blood oxygen levels.

Serious Health Consequences.

Obstructive Sleep Abnoea (OSA) has been linked with an increased risk of hypertension /increased blood pressure, strokes, cardiovascular disorders, depression, impotence, reflux / heartburn, obesity, diabetes, and memory problems . Nocturnal asthma is now also linked to SDB caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

The most common health consequences of OSA is excessive daytime tiredness and the affect of this on both physical and intellectual performance, falling asleep at inappropriate times - which is believed to greatly increase the risk of both vehicle and work related accidents.

Sleep deprivation for partners from disrupted sleep and the affects of this on quality of their lives, socially and at work.

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Abnoea (OSA) are known collectively as Sleep Disordered Breathing.

Do I have Obstructive Sleep Abnoea (OSA) ?

If you are a snorer you may have Obstructive Sleep Abnoea (OSA). Some symptoms are:

  • You awaken frequently with a sensation of gasping , choking or palpitations.
  • Your partner has observed that you stop breathing when you are asleep.
  • You wake in the morning with a headache.
  • You experience reflux and night-time heartburn episodes.
  • You are excessively tired during the day.
  • You fall asleep at inappropriate times.
  • Poor physical and intellectual performance.

Can snoring and Obstructive Sleep Abnoea (OSA) be treated?

Mild or occasional snoring and symptoms of (OSA) maybe alleviated by lifestyle changes including:

  • Losing weight.
  • Getting regular exercise.
  • Within 3 hours before bedtime avoiding alcohol , heavy meals and medications that make you drowsy.

Other treatment options include:

  • Surgery to the nose , throat , tongue or jaw.
  • Nasal CPAP ( Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ) a therapy in which an air compression device is used to force the airway open and aid breathing during sleep (used only under medical supervision ).
  • Oral dental devices ( mandibular advancement splints ) that are attached to the teeth and are worn at night to keep the lower jaw forward.
  • Sleep problems can be very negative for your wellness and can inhibit your desire to exercise and control your diet. If in any doubt about any ongoing sleep problems please visit your primary health care doctor to discuss your situation.


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